Who are Sri Amma Bhagavan?





About Sri Amma Bhagavan


Loved, revered and praised across the world as friends, philosophers, world teachers and avatars

Sri Bhagavan is loved, revered and honored by millions across the world as a friend, philosopher, world teacher and avatar. Sri Bhagavan’s singular passion has been to liberate humanity from suffering. Even as a little boy, Sri Bhagavan’s only concern was humanity. Sri Bhagavan lived a normal life in the external world like everybody else, yet, there was something different and special about Sri Bhagavan that attracted people of all ages and cultures towards him. The power of Sri Bhagavan’s presence has been a magical and liberating experience for those who have had the opportunity of interacting with Sri Bhagavan or just being in his physical presence. Such people have received solutions to their problems, freedom from their suffering and a shift in consciousness by his love and compassion.

Steeped in the fundamental laws of mathematics on one side, Sri Bhagavan has always been a great mystic on the other side, with an innate ability to connect to those realms far beyond the physical dimension. The mystical aspect accounts for the bird’s eye view that Sri Bhagavan possesses on topics ranging from mundane, worldly aspects to philosophy, psychology, science and the transcendental. One gets a glimpse of this holistic view in Sri Bhagavan’s teachings, commentaries and talks on various subjects.

Sri Bhagavan’s teachings are profound, liberating and life-transforming. He is a unique, great master who has the power to make these teachings into a living reality for the seeker, which manifests as miracles, freedom from suffering, altered states of consciousness and ultimately awakening and enlightenment for the seeker.

To be in the presence of Sri Bhagavan is to get drenched in the fountain of unconditional love, a love that is devoid of any judgement, a love that doesn’t bind you, but allows you to be yourself.

Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan are highly acknowlegded as avatars by millions around the world. They represent the feminine and masculine aspects of the unmanifest Divine.

Sri Amma lived a very austere life from childhood with the sole objective of liberating humanity from suffering. Millions of devotees across the world yearn to see a glimpse of Sri Amma, for being in her presence one dissolves into an ocean of love and compassion.

Sri Amma’s unconditional love and compassion is a nectar that purifies one of all hurt, fear and inhibitions. Sri Amma is a unique teacher who imparts the greatest insights of life in an easily understandable way. Simple and yet very profound, these teachings do not require much contemplation because they strike your mind with astonishing precision. They are truths that act like mirrors which reflect your inner state and at the same time make you comfortable with it.

Sri Amma not only shows you the truth, but also gives you the strength to see it yourself. To millions of devotees and seekers, Sri Amma is the all- knowing mother, a friend, a guide, a source of power in times of trial and weakness and an inspiration and direction in times of strength and abundance.

For more information about Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan and their teachings, go to http://www.sri-ammabhagavan.org