Sri Amma Bhagavan ThiruKalyana Mahostavam – Special Ritual – Day of Relationship.
Tuesday June 9th, 06:30 am – 09:30 am CET

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1. VIGNESHWARA POOJA- Removal of Obstacles & Upliftment
2. GOWRI POOJA- Kalyana Varam-Pray for Life Partner or Soul Mate or Marriage
3. PUNYAHAVACHANAM – Health & Longevity
4. PAANIGRAHAM – Dharma development & Seva Bhagyam (Helping Sri AmmaBhagavan Mission & The Good Fortune of Doing Service)
5. RAKSHABANDAN – Divine Protection
6. MAHASANKALPA – Receive One Boon. (Gift)
7. MANGALASHTAKAM – Love in Relationships.
8. VASTHRA ALANKARAM – Wealth & Abundance.
9. YOKTHRA MAANGALYA POOJA – Maangalya Balam-For Partners Longevity, to Live together for a long time
10. YOKTHRA DHARANAM – Santhaana Bhagyam- Have a Baby
11. BRAHMA BANDHANAM- Bond with God